Bee can now go by her proper name Ch* Tairis & Cherann’s Prairie Song (*pending AKC confirmation.) Bee is a daughter of my sweetest girl, Willa (GCH Tairis Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This)- a specialty winner and group placer. Bee’s sire is GCH Cherann’s Cherokee On Sacred Ground- a beautiful CCA class winner bred and owned by Cheryl Kobularcik. Bee was a singleton puppy and has always been very special to me. Bee got her first two major wins as a puppy shown by the junior handler Bryson Allen. Bee was shown by other friends along the way, including Lea Bertsch and Clarence Lee. Bee was shown by my daughter, Caitlin White, at the recent Longview, Texas shows to get the last two points needed to finish her championship. Bee the pup was a spitfire, and Caitlin said of all the puppies she ever leash broke for me, Bee was the hardest. But suddenly, one day little Bee’s show dog genes kicked in, and she started to behave herself and show like a dream.
Here are a few pictures of Bee along the way.

Bee is a sweet, high energy girl. Caitlin is planning to train her for obedience and agility. I predict more fun times ahead for those two.