Star- a daughter of GCH Tairis Runnin’ Down A Dream out of Ch Milas Tairis Sugar & Spice @ Scalloway went to strut her stuff at the recent Collie Club of America national specialty in Peoria, IL. Star began her life at my house, but after a few months she went to live with co-owner, co-breeder Lea Bertsch. Lea has done a great job training Star. Star was blessed with a beautiful face and great movement, but Lea and I debated whether she should go to the big CCA show. It’s hard for our Texas dogs to grow and keep the amount of coat the collies in the northern states and Canada have. Lea decided Star could be competitive even without a huge coat so away they went to Peoria!
Lea showed Star in a large American bred class and we were thrilled to see her win the class among some very pretty entries! At the end of the show we were delighted to see Star awarded the Best American Bred trophy.

Star’s sire Patton also went with his co-owner Lea Bertsch to the CCA show because we thought he was looking very nice. There were so many beautiful collie specials there that Patton didn’t end up in the ribbons. I am always proud of Patton who also has a beautiful face and great movement. He has done his share of winning although he has been shown on a very limited basis. Here is a picture of our boy Patton at CCA. He was groomed and shown by Cassidy Crockett and her group. They did an outstanding job!

Spring is here with gorgeous flowers popping up all over. Watching the flowers bloom my thoughts go to new life, pedigrees, and potentially breeding one or two of my collie girls. I can visualize great possibilities. As I have gotten older I know my days of breeding collies are numbered, but I don’t think I am quite done yet. I have gathered some outstanding collies into my family, and I anticipate that some really great ones will be coming in the months to come.