Week one and two were tough with four losses in Joni’s litter. Grace’s 8 puppies and Joni’s remaining four puppies are now beginning week three! Wow! I can’t believe these babies are now three weeks old. They are all doing very well and getting so cute! At this point they are learning to make funny noises and play baby puppy games. They like to crawl in my lap, and I spend a lot of happy hours watching and interacting with these puppies.
I got a few pictures of the puppies today– somewhat better than the cell phone pix, but I didn’t get good pix of all of them. It is so hard to catch them at the right time. They eat, sleep, and then have a brief playtime. Try catching 12, three week old puppies at just the right time. It is a challenge.
I am seeing some very promising babies in both Joni’s and Grace’s litters sired by Jax- Can Am Ch VanIsle Prairiepine Afirmation. I thought Jax and my Poppy/ Tyler daughters would be a beautiful blend, and I think it’s going to work out that way. The pedigree contains some of America’s most beautiful collies and top winners of the past couple of decades. The possibilities for these puppies are pretty exciting.
Here are some pictures of Grace’s puppies:

Joni’s puppies:

Right now Anna, Ralphie, Roy and Dove are being reserved as show prospects. This is subject to change, and nothing is definite until after eye checks are done. I will be contacting people on my puppy list about the other puppies that will be available.
There may be a couple of Maxi’s sable puppies available later in February. Lea wants as many as possible to be shown.
I also have a collie show breeder friend in Tulsa with an 8 month old sable male, and a 4 month old tricolor male that are available. He is coming to the shows in Glen Rose, TX on January 9, 2021. Please email Debbie for more info on these puppies. tairiscollies@yahoo.com
The puppies are trying to get into their mothers’ food bowls now. I will be starting them on sloppy puppy food in the next day or so to supplement nursing time. I will try to post more puppy pictures in the next two weeks. They get cuter and funnier everyday.